Romania’s 1% revenue tax for companies earning up to €500,000 / year in 2023Tax rate: The main highlight of Romania’s tax system is its 1% revenue tax regime, for companies with ‘micro enterprise’ status. 'Micro enterprise' is defined as a limited liability company (known as 'SRL' in Romania) earning up to €1,000,000 / year in 2022. This revenue limit will be reduced to €500,000 in 2023. However, each individual can be the Director of up to 3 micro enterprises, thus in effect you can benefit from 1% taxation up to a limit of €1,500,000.
Following Romanian tax reforms in mid 2022, several new eligibility criteria have been introduced. The option to pay 3% micro company taxation and have no employees (thus paying no payroll tax) will be eliminated from 2023, with rare exceptions for particular industries like the hotel sector.
Thus from 2023, in order to qualify for 1% micro company taxation, the SRL must:- Have at least one employee earning at least the minimum wage and paying payroll tax. The 2022 minimum wage in Romania is 2550 lei / month, which is about €525 / month. As a rough calculation, the payroll tax would be around 40% of the gross minimum wage amount.
- This employee can be yourself, which carries the additional benefit of allowing you to obtain residency in Romania. Alternatively if you are planning to incorporate the company remotely and operate it as an offshore company, you can hire a local Director. The local Director would also serve as part of your economic substance strategy to ensure you do not run into issues with CFC (controlled foreign company) rules in your home country.
- There are some limitations of the type of work which qualifies for 1% taxation. For example, if the company only engages in consulting work, it will not qualify. However, there are no limitations for software developers, product managers, designers, e-commerce store owners, SaaS companies etc. There is also quite a lot of nuance, which can be an advantage. E.g. an individual conducting marketing work on behalf of clients can be classified as a 'consultant' if he advertises his services and enters into client contracts in a specific way, but with correct structuring, this individual does not have to be a 'consultant' within the definition of the tax code.
VAT: In general, no VAT is charged if you do not sell to Romanian customers. If you sell to Romanian customers, the VAT rate is 19%.
8% dividend tax in Romania from 2023When you withdraw funds from your micro company to yourself, you will trigger a 8% dividend tax from 2023. This is an increase from 5% in 2022, but is still low by EU standards.
Entry requirements to RomaniaEU citizens can enter and work in Romania without any restrictions. It is moderately easy for citizens from non-EU countries to obtain a work visa in Romania, especially if you are from a developed country.
Constanța, one of Romania's charming seaside towns